Youth Ministry Information

Youth Ministry Information

How do I get started in participating?
All 6th-12th graders are welcome and invited to attend any age-appropriate events! Registration for Youth Ministry is required BEFORE students can participate and can be found on the Church website- students registration is good for one calendar year. Registration is required for the safety and security of the youth. Weekly Youth Nights are held on Wednesdays for 6th-8th graders and Sundays for 9th-12th graders beginning after Labor Day and end the last week of April (dates, location and times subject to change). Events without sign-ups are open to attend! Sign-ups for various outings (field trips, etc.) are found on the Church website and required to attend to assure sufficient transportation, food, etc. All upcoming youth events are posted in the bulletin and on our social media pages weekly. Pick up is under the awning between the Chapel and Spiritan Center. Drop off is in front of the Spiritan Center. Students walk through the front door and sign in. Students MUST sign out with the Youth Minister before getting into parents' vehicle.

How do I sign up for retreats?
Diocesan retreat registration will be converted into online forms this year and will be open approximatley one month prior to the retreat date- please look under the youth retreat tab on the website. Retreat registration deadlines are put in place for planning purposes, please submit any retreat registration forms by or before the deadline. Scholarships are available and need to be requested prior to retreat deadlines.

How can I, a parent, chaperone or get involved in Youth Ministry?
All adult chaperones are required to be Safe Environment trained- if you lack this training, please contact Amy Testone or Celeste Bailey to complete training. It's all online and easy to do! Once you're trained, you can begin volunteering with the youth! The link for the training can be found on our church website under theYouth tab. Contact Morgan Evans to inquire about the needs of the youth ministry and to sign up to chaperone for events/youth nights.

Where can I locate more information about the Youth Ministry?
-Calendars and flyers are posted in the church and chapel entrances.
-Youth section of the weekly bulletin
-Facebook: St. Joseph Youth Ministry, Conway, AR
-Instagram: Sjyouthministryconway
-Flocknote messages

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