Missions Outreach

Missions Outreach

The primary role of Missions Outreach is to create and maintain missionary service opportunities for parishioners.

The “new evangelization” calls each of us to be Christ’s eyes, ears, hands and feet; serving, evangelizing and ministering to our brothers and sisters in most need.  The parish offers a “menu” of local, regional, and international missionary service opportunities for individuals, couples, youth, and families to share their time, talent and treasure. See the most recent Missions Outreach report to the parish here to get a better picture of the various programs and events.

Get Involved!

Parishioners interested in volunteering for specific Missions Outreach activities are encouraged to register in the parish volunteer notification and management system. There are two ways to register:

1.   On-line at Volunteer Login: www.stjosephmissionsoutreach.duplie.com . Click here for registration steps.

2.   Submit a completed Registration Form to the parish office. Click here for the form.

After registering either way, volunteers (or “Users”) will receive a verification email. Please follow the instructions to create a password. Then create a profile and select the “Groups” (e.g. Missions for Transitions, Handyman Services, etc.) of interest. Click here for tips on signing up for groups. Volunteers will start receiving notifications tailored to their interests. Volunteers will also use this system to sign up for specific events and programs that they want to volunteer for.

Mission Outreach Volunteer Registration
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