Social Justice & Charitable Outreach

Social Justice & Charitable Outreach

KAIROS Prison Ministry

Deacon Richard Papini      501-454-9146

KAIROS is an ecumenical ministry to the incarcerated of the state prison system. A KAIROS Weekend is a 4-Day Encounter with Jesus Christ, whereby the Good News of the Gospel and the unconditional LOVE of Jesus Christ is carried into the state prisons by an ecumenical (inter-denominational) Christian team of persons. The weekend encounter is followed up with weekly reunion visits to the prisons by KAIROS team members and monthly grand reunions ("ultreyas") facilitated by the KAIROS team members, helping the inmates break down those walls that divide them, and build support systems and small faith-sharing communities among the inmates. A KAIROS weekend encounter with Jesus Christ, along with the follow-up program with the inmates by the team members, is truly a life-changing experience for those inmates who choose to be a part of KAIROS. Anyone can be a part of KAIROS through prayer support, financial support and donations of "cookies" for the weekend. To be on a KAIROS team requires attendance at several team formation meetings prior to the weekend. For Catholic team members, it is very desirable to have made a Cursillo weekend (since Cursillo is the "grand-father" of such weekend encounters). 


Catholics Returning Home

Charles Lock                                     327-6859

Pope Paul VI expressed the need to “reawaken” the evangelizing mission within the church. Pope John Paul II entitled it the “New Evangelization” and Pope Benedict XVI reaffirmed the need. While the New Evangelization is directed at all people, it’s primary focus is reaching those who have Catholic roots and who have “lost their sense of faith.” This ministry was formed at St. Joseph after a parish-wide survey conducted in 2002 cited reaching inactive Catholics as the top of the list of concerns and needs as seen by the parishioners. The Pastoral Council chose Catholics Returning Home as a program to implement in the parish because of its endorsement by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The six week series includes the following:

1.      Welcome and Overview

2.      Stories of Faith from Catholics Returning Home (video)

3.      The Church Today: Changes since Vatican II

4.      An Explanation/Walk Through the Mass

5.      Explanation of the Sacrament of Reconciliation

6.      The Nicene Creed: What Catholics Believe

As of today two classes are held each year, during the Easter Season and in September. Sessions are held in the evening in the Parish Administration Office. The sessions are free and child care is provided.

Beacon Of Hope Ministry (BOH)

Kathy Kordsmeier                501-269-1998

BOH is a ministry which serves the needs of the bereaved in our parish and community. Activities include a grief support group called “Sharing the Journey” which meets at 5:30 PM on the second Thursday of each month from September through June at the St. Joseph School Endowment Office. Individual grief counseling is also available by appointment. Volunteers meet on the first Thursday of the month at 5:30 PM at the Endowment Office. Volunteer activities include: sending cards to the bereaved; attending visitations and funerals; assisting with support groups and memorial services; ordering and displaying CareNotes and other grief/loss resource materials; planning, promoting, and executing special events. Training is available for new volunteers.

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