

Those considering marriage need to notify the parish office of their intention to marry at least 6-9 months prior to their intended wedding date due to the required Marriage preparation program.

The diocesan policy of marriage mandates a minimum of six months for the marriage preparation process.

The Marriage Prep process here at St. Joseph begins at the first marriage prep appointment with a Marriage Prep minister.

Please keep this in mind when deciding on a wedding date.

Please be aware that a wedding date cannot be scheduled or reserved until you have met your assigned Marriage Prep minister and he has given the okay to schedule.

For the Diocesan Marriage guide visit

To be able to schedule an appointment with a Marriage Prep minister the following needs to be submitted:

  • Prenuptial Questionnaire (please contact Susie Acosta. Contact info below)
  • Bride and Groom's Baptism Certificates or Profession of Faith Certificates with notations (the certificates need to be issued within the past 6 months).
    To get a copy of your certificate, please contact the church where you were baptized and let them know that you are needing a Baptism certificate with notations for the purpose of Marriage.
    If the bride or groom were baptized in another religion, if possible, please contact the church of Baptism and try to get a certificate or a letter stating that the person was baptized there.
  • Civil Marriage License (this is only for couples who are currently married and are having their Marriage Convalidated)
  • If you do not have a copy of your marriage license, please contact the county clerk office where the civil marriage took place and request a copy.
  • Any previous Nullity Declaration(s) (finalized annulment paperwork).
  • This is only for those who have been previously married and have had their previous marriage annulled.
  • Please be aware that if an annulment is needed for either the bride, the groom or both, whether they are Catholic or not, the Marriage prep will not be able to continue until the annulment(s) has been approved and finalized. Please call the Parish office if you have any questions regarding annulments at 501-327-6568.
  • Proof of Death of Former Spouse(s)
  • Certificate(s) of Death of any former spouse(s).

Please contact Susie Acosta at or at 501-513-6812 for more information. 

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